{"id":2268,"date":"2021-10-03T11:31:07","date_gmt":"2021-10-03T11:31:07","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/instant-pot-sous-vide-egg-bites-recipe\/"},"modified":"2021-10-03T11:31:07","modified_gmt":"2021-10-03T11:31:07","slug":"instant-pot-sous-vide-egg-bites-recipe","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/instant-pot-sous-vide-egg-bites-recipe\/","title":{"rendered":"Instant Pot “Sous Vide” Egg Bites Recipe"},"content":{"rendered":"



The low-carb community was pretty pumped when coffee shops first started to serve sous vide egg bites. Until then, most breakfast options came between a couple of slices of a bagel or croissant. Coming in around $5 for two little egg bites, it was only a matter of time before people started looking for make-at-home versions.<\/p>\n

Do You Need a Sous Vide to Make Egg Bites?<\/h2>\n

Let\u2019s first put it out there that food cooked sous vide is delicious. The temperature is so precisely controlled that there\u2019s virtually no risk of overcooking or undercooking, and for the most part, it\u2019s a hands-off cooking method. Still, it\u2019s cost-prohibitive for a lot of kitchens \u2013 you\u2019re looking at a couple hundred dollars for a decent system, which is more than the average household wants to spend on an appliance they\u2019ll use only occasionally.<\/p>\n

The solution? These adorable little egg bites are not actually made in a sous vide, but instead in an Instant Pot. The end result is a light and fluffy egg bite bursting with flavor. Ideally, these egg bites would be made in a silicone egg mold, but they also turn out well in \u00bd pint mason jars. If you don\u2019t have an Instant Pot, there is an oven modification below.<\/p>\n

This recipe makes 10 egg bites (5 egg bites of each flavor) which are great for an on-the-go breakfast or protein-packed snack. Feel free to experiment with your favorite add-ins.<\/p>\n

Instant Pot \u201cSous Vide\u201d Egg Bites Recipe<\/h2>\n

Serves<\/strong>: 5<\/p>\n

Time in the kitchen<\/strong>: 25 minutes, including 18 minutes cook time<\/p>\n


  • 7 large eggs<\/li>\n
  • 3 Tbsp. milk of choice (unsweetened and unflavored if you\u2019re using non-dairy milk)<\/li>\n
  • \u00bd cup chopped cooked broccoli florets<\/li>\n
  • 1 oz. Crumbled Feta Cheese<\/li>\n
  • 3 slices crumbled Cooked Bacon<\/li>\n
  • \u00bd cup Chopped Spinach, cooked and drained well<\/li>\n
  • Salt and Pepper<\/li>\n
  • Primal Kitchen\u00ae Avocado Oil Spray<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


    Combine the eggs, milk and a pinch of salt and pepper. For a fluffier egg bite, swap out the milk for \u00bc cup of cottage cheese. Blitz them together in a blender, and separate the beaten eggs evenly into two bowls.\"egg<\/p>\n

    In one bowl, add the chopped broccoli and feta and whisk to combine. In the second bowl, add the crumbled bacon and spinach and whisk to combine.<\/p>\n


    Liberally spray the insides of your mason jars with Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil spray. Each bowl of egg mixture will make 5 egg bites. Scoop out about \u00bc cup of the feta broccoli egg batter into the jars, until the mixture is equally divided between 5. Do the same with the bacon, spinach, and egg mixture. If you are using an egg mold, fill the egg molds until they are a little more than \u00be of the way full.<\/p>\n

    \"eggsCover the mouth of each mason jar with a small piece of foil. If you are using an egg mold, cover them with the accompanying lid (if oven safe) or with foil.<\/p>\n


    Add 1.25 cups of water to the Instant Pot, and place the metal trivet into the pot. Nestle 5-7 mason jars into the Instant Pot on top of the trivet. Place the lid on the pot and select the \u201cPressure Cook\u201d option. Set it for 10 minutes at Low Pressure. Once the cooking cycle is over, allow the pressure to naturally release for 6 minutes before moving the nozzle to the vent position. Carefully remove the lid and jars from the Instant Pot and allow them to rest for 1-2 minutes to cool slightly. Carefully run a knife around the egg bite and give the jar a gentle shake to release the egg bite from the jar. Add an additional \u00bc-\u00bd cup of water to the bottom of the Instant Pot and repeat with the remaining jars.<\/p>\n


    Sous Vide Egg Bites \u2013 Oven Method<\/h3>\n

    If you do not have an Instant Pot, you can fill the silicone egg molds and place them in a large baking dish or dutch oven filled \u00bc-\u00bd of the way up with water. Cover the mold with foil and bake the eggs at 325 degrees for at least 40 minutes, or until the eggs are firm (note that you cannot use mason jars in the oven).<\/p>\n


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Recipe includes oven option in case you don\u2019t have a pressure cooker.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<hr style=\"border-color: #FFFFFF !important; background-color: #FFFFFF !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"secondary-color.border-color secondary-color.background-color\"\/>\n<div class=\"tasty-recipes-ingredients\">\n<div data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"body-color.color\">\n<ul>\n<li><span data-amount=\"7\">7<\/span> large eggs<\/li>\n<li><span data-amount=\"3\" data-unit=\"tbsp\">3 Tbsp<\/span>. milk of choice (unsweetened and unflavored if you\u2019re using non-dairy milk)<\/li>\n<li><span data-amount=\"0.5\" data-unit=\"cup\">\u00bd cup<\/span> chopped cooked broccoli florets<\/li>\n<li><span data-amount=\"1\" data-unit=\"oz\">1 oz<\/span>. Crumbled Feta Cheese<\/li>\n<li><span data-amount=\"3\">3<\/span> slices crumbled Cooked Bacon<\/li>\n<li><span data-amount=\"0.5\" data-unit=\"cup\">\u00bd cup<\/span> Chopped Spinach, cooked and drained well<\/li>\n<li>Salt and Pepper<\/li>\n<li>Primal Kitchen\u00ae Avocado Oil Spray<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<hr style=\"border-color: #FFFFFF !important; background-color: #FFFFFF !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"secondary-color.border-color secondary-color.background-color\"\/>\n<div class=\"tasty-recipes-instructions\">\n<div data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"body-color.color\">\n<p id=\"instruction-step-1\">Combine the eggs, milk and a pinch of salt and pepper. For a fluffier egg bite, swap out the milk for \u00bc cup of cottage cheese. Blitz them together in a blender, and separate the beaten eggs evenly into two bowls.<\/p>\n<p id=\"instruction-step-2\">In one bowl, add the chopped broccoli and feta and whisk to combine. In the second bowl, add the crumbled bacon and spinach and whisk to combine.<\/p>\n<p id=\"instruction-step-3\">Liberally spray the insides of your mason jars with Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil spray. Each bowl of egg mixture will make 5 egg bites. Scoop out about \u00bc cup of the feta broccoli egg batter into the jars, until the mixture is equally divided between 5. Do the same with the bacon, spinach, and egg mixture. If you are using an egg mold, fill the egg molds until they are a little more than \u00be of the way full.<\/p>\n<p id=\"instruction-step-4\">Cover the mouth of each mason jar with a small piece of foil. If you are using an egg mold, cover them with the accompanying lid (if oven safe) or with foil.<\/p>\n<p id=\"instruction-step-5\">Add 1.25 cups of water to the Instant Pot, and place the metal trivet into the pot. Nestle 5-7 mason jars into the Instant Pot on top of the trivet. Place the lid on the pot and select the \u201cPressure Cook\u201d option. Set it for 10 minutes at Low Pressure. Once the cooking cycle is over, allow the pressure to naturally release for 6 minutes before moving the nozzle to the vent position. Carefully remove the lid and jars from the Instant Pot and allow them to rest for 1-2 minutes to cool slightly. Carefully run a knife around the egg bite and give the jar a gentle shake to release the egg bite from the jar. Add an additional \u00bc-\u00bd cup of water to the bottom of the Instant Pot and repeat with the remaining jars.<\/p>\n<h3>Sous Vide Style Egg Bites \u2013 Oven Method<\/h3>\n<p id=\"instruction-step-6\">If you do not have an Instant Pot, you can fill the silicone egg molds and place them in a large baking dish or dutch oven filled \u00bc-\u00bd of the way up with water. Cover the mold with foil and bake the eggs at 325 degrees for at least 40 minutes, or until the eggs are firm (note that you cannot use mason jars in the oven).<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class=\"tasty-recipes-notes\" style=\"background-color: #FFFFFF !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"secondary-color.background-color\">\n<h3 data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"h3-color.color h3-transform.text-transform\">Notes<\/h3>\n<div class=\"tasty-recipes-notes-body\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"body-color.color\">\n<p><strong>Calories<\/strong>: 79<br \/><strong>Total Carbs<\/strong>: 0 grams<br \/><strong>Net Carbs<\/strong>: 0 grams<br \/><strong>Fat<\/strong>: 6 grams<br \/><strong>Protein<\/strong>: 6 grams<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<div class=\"tasty-recipes-nutrition\">\n<h3 data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"h3-color.color h3-transform.text-transform\">Nutrition<\/h3>\n<ul data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"body-color.color\">\n<li><strong class=\"tasty-recipes-label\" style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-label-color.color\">Serving Size:<\/strong> <span style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-value-color.color\" class=\"tasty-recipes-serving-size\">1 egg bite<\/span><\/li>\n<li><strong class=\"tasty-recipes-label\" style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-label-color.color\">Calories:<\/strong> <span style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-value-color.color\" class=\"tasty-recipes-calories\">79<\/span><\/li>\n<li><strong class=\"tasty-recipes-label\" style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-label-color.color\">Sugar:<\/strong> <span style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-value-color.color\" class=\"tasty-recipes-sugar\">0<\/span><\/li>\n<li><strong class=\"tasty-recipes-label\" style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-label-color.color\">Fat:<\/strong> <span style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-value-color.color\" class=\"tasty-recipes-fat\">6 g<\/span><\/li>\n<li><strong class=\"tasty-recipes-label\" style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-label-color.color\">Carbohydrates:<\/strong> <span style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-value-color.color\" class=\"tasty-recipes-carbohydrates\">0<\/span><\/li>\n<li><strong class=\"tasty-recipes-label\" style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-label-color.color\">Protein:<\/strong> <span style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-value-color.color\" class=\"tasty-recipes-protein\">6 g<\/span><\/li>\n<li><strong class=\"tasty-recipes-label\" style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-label-color.color\">Net Carbs:<\/strong> <span style=\"color: #333333 !important;\" data-tasty-recipes-customization=\"detail-value-color.color\" class=\"tasty-recipes-netcarbs\">0<\/span><\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p class=\"p1\"><span class=\"s1\"><\/p>\n<p><noscript><\/p>\n<div class=\"dfad dfad_pos_1 dfad_first\" id=\"_ad_101008\"><img fetchpriority=\"high\" decoding=\"async\" src=\"https:\/\/marksdailyapple.com\/uploads\/2020\/02\/Teriyaki_Banners_640x80.jpg\" alt=\"No-Soy_Island_Teriyaki_and_Teriyaki_Sauces_640x80\" width=\"640\" height=\"80\" class=\"alignnone size-full wp-image-97360\"\/><\/div>\n<p><\/noscript><br \/>\n<\/span><\/p>\n<div class=\"author-block \">\n<h2 class=\"author-block__about\">\n<span>About the Author<\/span><br \/>\n<\/h2>\n<div class=\"author-block__content\">\n<div class=\"author-block__img-container\">\n<img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" alt=\"\" src=\"https:\/\/marksdailyapple.com\/uploads\/2020\/02\/Priscilla-Chamessian-96x96.png\" srcset=\"https:\/\/marksdailyapple.com\/uploads\/2020\/02\/Priscilla-Chamessian-182x192.png 2x\" class=\"avatar avatar-96 photo\" height=\"96\" width=\"96\" loading=\"lazy\"\/><\/div>\n<div class=\"author-block__description\">\n<p>A food blogger, recipe developer, and personal chef based in Missouri, Priscilla specializes in low-carb, Paleo, gluten-free, keto, vegetarian, and low FODMAP cooking. See what she\u2019s cooking on Priscilla Cooks, and follow her food adventures on Instagram and Pinterest.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<nav class=\"navigation post-navigation\" role=\"navigation\" aria-label=\"Posts\">\n<h2 class=\"screen-reader-text\">Post navigation<\/h2>\n<\/nav>\n<p>\nIf you’d like to add an avatar to all of your comments click here!\n<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<p><script async defer src=\"https:\/\/platform.instagram.com\/en_US\/embeds.js\"><\/script><br \/>\n<br \/><br \/>\n<br \/><a href=\"https:\/\/www.marksdailyapple.com\/sous-vide-egg-bites-recipe\/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Source link <\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>The low-carb community was pretty pumped when coffee shops first started to serve sous vide egg bites. Until then, most breakfast options came between a […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":2269,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_mi_skip_tracking":false,"footnotes":""},"categories":[32],"tags":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/2268"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=2268"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/2268\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/2269"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=2268"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=2268"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/ultimatehealthreport.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=2268"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}