For all of my mamas-to-be out there, this is for you! Please know that I am a *planner* extraordinaire; I prepped our hospital bags with linens and post-delivery items and had the whole game plan in place…

What I didn’t plan for was having a last-minute C-section.

I went in for an induction and ended up needing a C-section. While I knew it was entirely possible, I hadn’t really considered what an unplanned C-section would mean in terms of recovery time.

My only birth plan was to be pain-free; I made it to 4cm, and got an epidural, but I got an infection and started running a fever so I needed to have a C-section. While the initial prognosis was upsetting, I had a very positive birth experience.

The recovery was the most difficult part — you can’t lift more than 10lbs for 6 weeks, and even sitting up is painful for the first two weeks.

Anyway, regardless of if you are having a vaginal or C-section delivery, there are postpartum items that will be particularly useful.

Based on my experience, I’d recommend having the items that are useful for any type of delivery on hand; but I would wait to order anything else unless you know you’re having a scheduled C-section. I’ll detail this all below!

Whether you have a vaginal and C-section delivery, here are my tips for preparing postpartum essentials.

Definitely check out my hospital bag packing guide as you prepare for labor and delivery.

Are there any particular products out there that you found useful? Let me know in the comments below!

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