The gut microbiome is the collective term used to refer to all the microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, and viruses in the intestines—affectionately known as the “gut.” In healthy digestive systems, all the microbes live in harmony, a pretty impressive feat considering there are over 100 trillion types of bacteria in the gut.

However, any disruption to this delicate balance of good and bad bacteria can cause several harmful conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, atherosclerosis, obesity, and metabolic disorders.

Extensive studies show that a healthy microbiome looks different for everyone. Michael Njunge, a health and performance enthusiast and medical doctor in the U.K., compares the gut microbiome to your unique fingerprint.

Each person’s microbiome will have different components to accommodate regional diversity. Further, your unique dynamic gut flora demands will be based on specific environmental forces. What is considered a healthy gut one year may change the next. Njunge encourages consumers to think of the gut microbiome as a pivotal piece of your health, adding that, “If you take care of it, it will take care of you.”

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